The Day a Book is Born

An Unexpected GraceI believe that early morning musing is important. I lie in bed in that sleepy zone between my conscious and unconscious, and let hazy thoughts come to me.  Sometimes they arrive as ideas for projects or solutions to problems.  But today I woke to a message from my spirit.

I opened my eyes, and, oddly, the first thing that came to me was Rudyard Kipling’s poem If.  I rarely think of poetry when half asleep, but I remembered Mrs. Watkins, my fifth grade teacher, looking sternly at our class of twelve and reading the poem from a big red book, marked with a frayed red ribbon.  She often made us memorize such masterpieces as the Gettysburg Address, and I must also have learned at least a part of If.  What floated through my mind today were snatches of the first three lines:

            If you can keep you head when all about you

            Are losing theirs…

            If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you…

I blinked and thought, Eureka!  A message indeed, surgically tailored for me.

Today is the day that my novel, An Unexpected Grace, is officially out in the world, available online and in bookstores.  My publisher is doing an email blast to launch the book, and I’m supposed to tweet and pin and post about it.  Though thrilling, this is not an easy, simple morning.  Anxiety lurks in the shadows of my excitement, and I feel almost overwhelmed.  It’s definitely a time to do what Rudyard Kipling says:  to “keep my head” when life is out of my control and “trust myself” when others doubt or question what I’ve written.

Kipling said that inspiration for If came from the British politician Leander Starr Jameson, who led a raid against South Africa’s Boer government in l896 at about this time of year.  Though the raid was a failure, Jameson’s dignity and courage made him a hero; and his strength of character was said to trump his defeat.  A book launch may be a gnat compared to the elephant of his military action, and I’m not anticipating his failure.  But a launch does call for Jameson’s mettle and determination.  I vowed this morning to rally it, as must all writers when they sit down to a blank page every morning and are said to open a vein and bleed.  Or when they go out to promote a book.

Thankful for this morning’s message to gather up my spunk, I can only say:  Hello, world!  Here’s my novel about Lila and Grace, a woman and a dog!  Their light shines from my heart and leads my way.  I hope you’ll enjoy their story.

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30 Responses to The Day a Book is Born

  1. Welcome, new novel! Your name is “An Unexpected Grace”, but knowing your parent as I do, I have come to expect from her nothing less than grace, is all its beauty. (And your quote from “If”, dear Kristin, summoned up my late grandmother in all her grace – she often recited it to me when I was down, and it never failed to lift me up, as does your quoting it today.)

    • Kristin von Kreisler says:

      Thank you, dear Grant. What kindness! I know you understand this process for promotion, and that makes your support extra special. I hope your own books are flourishing!

  2. Donna Corriveau says:

    Can’t wait till my copies arrive so I can read it, and also pass the others on to Golden friends!

  3. Andrea Warren says:

    May the force(s) be with you, Kris! This book is going to be a major best seller. Can’t wait to read it.

  4. Jane says:

    I can not wait to get to know Grace and Lila!

  5. Yippee, Kristin! Your book has been on my wish list ever since I heard about it–I’ll add it to my collection and hope that you can autograph it in person as you did in NYC with your previous masterpieces.

  6. Congratulations! Can’t wait to get my copy. This is all so impressive!

  7. Winoma jellicoe says:

    I can hardly wait to go down to Eagle Harbor books to get my copy!! We wish you absolutely the best with your new book.

  8. Janet Bailey says:

    I’m so excited for you, Kristin! Welcome to the wide world, “An Unexpected Grace!”

  9. Alexandra says:

    How wonderful, Kristin!
    Congratulations and loving blessings as you keep your head (and heart!) about you and keep trusting yourself. I am eager to meet Lila and Grace.

  10. tony laouras says:

    Hooray, dear Kristin! We are looking forward to a wonderful read. Love, Tony and Leo

  11. Congratulations Kristin! I have placed my order and I look forward to reading it.

  12. Susan Driver says:

    Kris, I am about to place my order and can hardly wait for your latest treasure to arrive. You are a true blessing to all your admiring readers.

  13. Donna Corriveau says:

    Just received my copies of An Unexpected Grace, and I already read the first two chapters while standing at the kitchen counter, where I unwrapped the package from Amazon! I have to run errands today, but can’t wait to get home so I can dive back into the book! I already love the main character, as we both wear size 11 shoes! 🙂

  14. Louisa Donoghue says:

    Kris, can hardly wait to read your book! Well done. What an exceptional way to start the new year. Thank you for the grace of your writing.

  15. Linda says:

    good luck with the launch..I have every confidence it will be a success. Xoxo

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