Dogs in Rain

Winter is coming early to our Washington island, and everybody’s grumbling.  As clouds gather and rains dampen the woods, the world seems to quiet, birds fly south, and conversations on the ferry become serious and muffled.

Especially affected by the weather change are my beloved dogs:  Logan, a German shepherd, and Phoebe, a beagle.  On our newly cold mornings, the dogs lounge around on their beds later and with more conviction than they do in the summer, and they seem to want to eat more and store up fat for winter.  They also resist going out into the rain.  When I call them to the door, you’d think I was trying to coax them to their execution.  I become the vicious ogre whom they wish they could ignore.

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Posted in Pets | 4 Comments

Some Thoughts about the Sun

When I squint at the sun, I see a miracle. Five billion years ago, hydrogen atoms came together to make the sun, and every second it transforms four million tons of itself into light. As it pours out energy, it enables the salmon to swim up streams near my house, the towhees to sing in my hedge, and the chard to grow in my garden, nourish me, and give me strength. Molecules energized by the sun course through my blood and enable me to think and do my work. The sun is fueling this blog and, I hope, helping me reflect some of the light on the beautiful, interesting things in the world.

Posted in Observations | 10 Comments

A Kindly Leopard Seal

A leopard seal growling while sitting on the s...

Image via Wikipedia

Someone just sent me an amazing video of Paul Nicklen, a National Geographic contributing photographer, who went to Antarctica to photograph leopard seals.  They can weigh over 1300 pounds, and their jaws can open more than 160 degrees, the better to chomp down on large prey, such as a camera-toting human.

As Nicklen’s boat approached a group of seals, one swam over to investigate.  Her teeth looked like white knives, and her head was twice as wide as a grizzly bear’s.  Nicklen’s guide said, “That’s the biggest leopard seal I’ve ever seen!”  But Nicklen, trembling with fear that she might gulp him down for breakfast, got into the water with her anyway.

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